You are invited to the GTMA Las Vegas Taekwondo Camp
February 21-23, 2025
Quest Martial Arts 5661 W Sahara Ave #106 Las Vegas, NV 89146
Variety of Hotels Available with Palace Station being close to the training.
Don't miss your opportunity to train with the following Masters:
Master Pyne
Sr. Master Christopher Martin
and very special guest instructors:
Grand Master Kathy Lee
Grand Master W.J. Choi
Grand Master G.K. Lee
Tentative Schedule of events:
Friday 2/21
5pm Bow in & Training
7pm Midterm/Testing
8pm Bow Out
Saturday 2/22
9am - 12:30pm Bow in & Training
12:30pm - 2pm Lunch Break
2pm - 4pm Resume Training
4pm Bow Out
Sunday 2/23
9am - 12pm Bow in & Training
12pm Bown Out
Price $ 199.00
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